Planned Giving
The Pioneer Legacy Society
The Pioneer Legacy Society honors alumni, parents, and friends who have indicated that Franklin Pierce is in their estate plans. Franklin Pierce University offers a range of charitable gift planning opportunities to alumni, parents, and friends. Planned gifts allow you to remember and celebrate Franklin Pierce in a meaningful way that may not have been possible otherwise.
We can help you explore a host of gift options that will allow you and your family to make a difference to present and future generations. In return for a planned gift, donors and their families may receive important estate and income tax benefits, and, depending upon their gift, an attractive annual income stream for their lifetime or the life of a secondary beneficiary.
To notify us of a planned gift, or to request more information, please submit this form.
By naming Franklin Pierce as the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your retirement
plan assets, you can save estate tax and your non-spousal heirs' income tax while
significantly impacting the University.
By naming Franklin Pierce as the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your retirement
plan assets, such as an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b), you can eliminate income and estate
tax, significantly impacting the University.
You may transfer ownership of a paid-up policy you no longer need or use a new policy
to name Franklin Pierce as owner and beneficiary.
If you own fully paid-off property, an outright gift of that property may be the simplest
solution. You can deduct the fair market value of your gift, avoid all capital gains
taxes, and remove that asset from your taxable estate.
(QCDs) are also called IRA charitable distributions or IRA charitable rollovers. They
enable individuals to fulfill their required minimum distribution by a direct transfer
of up to $100,000 to charity. Because QCDs don’t increase taxable income, both higher
tax rates and phaseouts can be avoided.
Gifts of appreciated assets, such as mutual funds, stocks, or bonds are eligible for
a charitable deduction for the full amount of your gift and avoid capital gains tax.
If you already make gifts through a donor-advised fund, consider designating a percentage
of the balance to pass directly to Franklin Pierce University at termination.
A life income gift offers future support to the University while providing income
for you and/or family members and a tax deduction in the year of the gift. Each life
income plan has specific income, investment, and tax advantages. Options vary by financial
institution. Consult your financial planner or financial institution’s wealth management
team for options available to you.
For more information about making a planned gift, contact University Advancement at
CONTACT University Advancement
For questions related to
Making a Gift: (603) 899-1131
Scholarship & Planned Gifts: (603) 899-4307
Alumni Engagement, Events,
or Volunteering: (603) 899-4030